Ms.Rashmi Mittal - Worthy Pro Chancellor :Lovely Professional University

Starting as a Lecturer at the University, Rashmi Mittal undertook the position of Executive Deanin 2006 and currently serves as the Pro-Chancellor of Lovely Professional University (LPU).Located on the outskirts of Jalandhar City on a sprawling 600-acre campus, Lovely ProfessionalUniversity is widely recognized as a top-tier educational institution on a global scale. Thismultidisciplinary university in India offers more than 150 programs. LPU is ranked in the top 50 universities in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). Many prestigiousorganizations and media outlets have recognized LPU as a top private university in India,including those that focus on accreditation and rankings.


In a relatively short period of time, LPU has established itself as one of the most highly regardededucational institutions in the United States and around the world, where promoting access toexcellent education is a fundamental value. A high-quality education that transcends the divide between business and academia is made possible by LPU's state-of-the-art infrastructure andglobal reach. LPU is well-known for its cultural diversity since its students come from differentstates in India and nearly 39 other countries. The University's mission is to achieve globalpreeminence in teaching, learning, research, internationalization, entrepreneurship, and leadership, and to be widely acknowledged for the positive impact it has on industry and society.


“Success is meaningful when each person working for LPU succeeds in his/her life.”Compassion and persistence are the two principles that guide and inspire her to stay on the course. Rashmi Mittal's desire to empower and assist others in achieving their goals drives her tosucceed. Knowing that her hard work and perseverance will help her achieve greater professionalsuccess keeps her going. She attains her goals by aligning her success with the success of herstakeholders. Her inspiration comes from the growth of her organization and the accomplishments of her students. The challenges she faces on this journey always re-energize her. At LPU, Rashmi Mittal always tries to train people to make a difference in society.


LPU offers diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate (PhD) courses in a variety ofengineering and non-engineering programmes. The education here goes beyond classroomteaching and allows students to carve out their own niche while studying any programme. LPU focuses on its students’ holistic development through:


  • Curriculum Based innovations: The University offers a choice-based credit system,
  • outcome and value-based education, technology-driven learning experience, and
  • industry-benchmarked courses.
  • Industry Immersion: LPU has collaborated with top companies for providing its students
  • with industry immersion. Summer training, full-term optional/compulsory internships,
  • ‘On-the-job’ training, study tours, and skill enhancement events & workshops expose
  • students to actual work environments and provide an opportunity to apply their learning
  • in real-life situations. On-site experience through industry internships in corporate giants
  • like Cognizant, Microsoft, Infosys, ABB, ISRO, and Simplex.
  •  A diverse set of Minors: The University offers students over 70 interdisciplinary minors
  • to select from.
  • Career Pathways: Option to choose a career pathway ranging from Corporate Jobs,
  • Government Jobs, Higher education, Research, or Entrepreneurship through focused courses.
  •  International Exposure: International Exposure and credit transfer opportunities in
  • USA/Canada/ Australia/ European countries.
  •  Feedback Mechanism: In creating and revising the curriculum, students, professors, and academic experts from other Institutes must participate in a detailed and sophisticated evaluation procedure. Before the semester ends, UMS collects online feedback. After collecting opinions from all stakeholders, the university's curriculum review committeeevaluates it each semester and discusses and implements feedback ideas to maintain scheme quality and consistency.


Founder: The late Sh. Baldev Raj Mittal, Lovely Group's Founder and Chairman was a true business visionary. His tireless work, unyielding will, and unwavering dedication to the Lovely Group's ideals and goals are reflected in the company's tremendous success. His deeply heldbelief is an invaluable legacy that will continue to direct and motivate. Lovely ProfessionalUniversity is a humble tribute to perpetuating his quintessential existence.

Chancellor: DR. ASHOK KUMAR MITTAL: Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal seeks to revive theglory of the ancient education system with ‘Transforming India by Transforming Education.’ By2025, he envisions LPU as a Center of Academic and Research Excellence with a stronginternational presence, ranking among the top 200 universities in the world. Dr. Mittal says, “Byproviding an academic ambiance and innovative pedagogy of global significance, we prepare our students to succeed in a highly competitive professional environment.”



 The curriculum creatively combines technology and content to provide a rewarding

educational experience while challenging the status quo in education.

 LPU exposes students to experiences from around the world through online platforms,

alumni networks, and other methods outside of the brick's and mortar's; classroom.

 Extensive laboratory work, workshop courses, industry certifications, training, live

projects, and industrial internships provide intensive hands-on exposure to real-life


 The live and entrepreneurial assignments and projects integrated into the curriculum

allow students to discover the entrepreneur within themselves.

 Study Abroad Pathway allows students to gain foreign experience while also taking

advantage of the world's interconnected cultural diversity.

 The LPU Integrated Research Pathway promotes critical thinking in the chosen field of

study, assists in the development of a framework for research and experimental work, and

ultimately aids in the discovery of the best procedures, cutting-edge methods, and novel

approaches through clever inventions and creativity!

 LPU's goal for each student is to become an all-around responsible citizen by following a

curriculum that includes courses on ethics, the environment, and sustainability, as well as

community programs like "Adult Literacy,"Go Green,Energy Conservation and a

food waste campaign.'


“We measure genius by quality rather than quantity”Quality education has taken precedence over traditional modes of education in recent years. With the implementation of the National Education Policy, a greater emphasis is being placed onholistic learning. Multidisciplinary education is becoming increasingly important. A STEM student must be familiar with the arts, so STEM has given way to STEAM, which includes thearts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Also, with the edtech boom during

and after the pandemic, the emphasis is on skills rather than rote learning. The world has taken notice of practical and outcome-based education. The prime minister of India's  quote from the podium of Lovely Professional University stands out here;"Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyaan, Jai Anusandhan". He added the phrase "Jai Anusandhan"; to emphasize the growing importance of research in making the world a better place to live, and LPU is leading from the front, serving as the torchbearer for the rest of the world to see and imbibe. Education of the highest caliber has not just become popular. Quality has always taken precedence over quantity in the Indianeducational system since its inception, and LPU has been a pioneer in making this a reality.



“No matter what hardships, as a person or as the University faced, we never let our shouldersdrop. We faced every challenge with a smile on our faces and added our milestones to it.” While storming all these challenges whole LPU family stood up with them and provided relentless support. With unwavering dedication and outstanding performance, they were able to turn every

challenge into an opportunity, allowing them to ‘Think Big’ which is now the motto of the University.


“I think the most memorable and remarkable movement of my life is the establishment of LPU.”Rashmi Mittal has always believed that education is crucial to a person's growth as a whole, not just to their ability to absorb new information quickly and master new concepts. There was a pressing need to bring about reformation in the educational system back in the day and evennow, when the conventional method of instructing students remains widespread. She was always drawn to this idea. Her goal in life was to make a difference in people's lives, and she figured that there was no better way to do that than through teaching. Every second of making this dreama reality brings her joy.'s not the end yet; there's still so much more she wants to learn. She dreams of changing the stereotypical notion related to the Indian education system. LPU has accomplished a great deal, and a lot is still to be achieved. When it comes to providing access to higher education, Rashmi Mittal and the LPU family are leaving no stone unturned.


The post-Covid industry is changing rapidly. Firms are actively seeking skilled experts in a specific field. Professional value is now based on ‘how well’ you can do tasks, instead of ‘how much’. Most businesses seek employees who can grow horizontally, that is, in interdisciplinary fields, rather than vertically, in just one. Placements are made based on candidates organic and intuitive abilities, rather than their acquired knowledge. The 'trainable' candidates are chosen to ensure that not only knowledge but also creativity--the out-of-the-box ideas and unique perspectives they can bring to the table--is employed. The industry is building a culture that values employees instincts and holistic learning. In line with this, society is moving towards a work culture that includes street-smart people. LPU prepares students to enter the real world with sharp minds and sharper curiosity, allowing themto learn while working. This practice helps students transition from classrooms to workplaces because they are already prepared to meet industry needs and adapt to the future.



Lovely Professional University is an internationally acclaimed institution that has made a name for itself in every sphere of activity from research and development to academics and employment to athletics. LPU is ranked 23rd among all Government and private universities inIndia by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings-2023, and its Mittal School of Business is ranked 2nd in India for the subject of Business & Economics. As a result,LPU is indexed in the global 401-500 Band with many other universities from the United States,the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and other countries. Lovely Professional University hasreceived yet another accolade: it has been ranked 47th in India, both among public and privateuniversities, by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Rankings 2022.Aside from that, LPU was ranked second in India among the Top Ivy League universities in theprestigious WURI Rankings 2022. They received a global band of 101-200 in their first attempt;it is ranked third in India in The Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA); SCIMAGO Institutions Rankings ranked LPU 424 for Innovation, and IPA ranked LPU 1st in India as a single University for patents from Academic Institutes and Universities.Moving forward with placements that have always been the talk of the town, LPU has always assisted thousands of candidates in securing their dream job, with a record-breaking package foran LPU alumnus in Germany of Rs 3 crore. Continuing its unrivaled placement record, one ofthe Vertos has pulled off an insane feat of skills and abilities, landing a job at Google LLC for ahefty salary of INR 64 Lakhs. LPU students have demonstrated prowess at the international,national, state, and district levels, winning gold medals in the Tokyo Olympics and Boxing Championships 2022, as well as the runner-up trophy at the Khelo India University Games 2022.


“Nobody knows how the future unfolds but right now all our energies are devoted to achieving excellence in imparting education.”

LPU will empower students by providing high-tech, sustainable, innovative classroom learning enhanced by digital technologies to improve employability. The group anticipates LPU to be one of the world's top 100 universities, renowned for its groundbreaking contributions to industryand society in the areas of education, research, globalization, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

“We want to be recognized for the achievement of our students, whom we fondly call- ourVertos.” LPU will be home to young, talented researchers who will use their innovations to solve industrial and societal problems and make this planet the best place to live. The graduates and postgraduates will be coveted by top MNCs and offered high salaries. LPU will not only sendstudents to show their potential but also invite veterans by hosting national and international events to improve exposure and ensure its student's; most outstanding participation and laurels at diverse level.